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#1 -

eida ton patera mou prwti fora pses apo tin imera pou pe8ane (exei pe8anei edw kai ena mina) kai vriskotan sto krevati arrwstos opws itan 1-2 evdomades prin pe8anei (to teleuteo diastima den eixe dinami na milisei) kai ton akousa na me kalei me to onoma mou konta tou... otan eftasa konta arxise kai elege kati san proseuxes kai san tis psalmodies tis ekklisias. epidi oli tin mera siera to eixa entono sto mialo mou, enw sini8ws 3exnw poli eukola ta oneira mou, mporeite na mou peite sas parakalw ti mporei na simenei auto pou eida?

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