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#1 -

Egw eida sto oneiro mou oti e3w htan to feggari alla polu periergo mia aspor kai mia mauro kai allaze 8esei otan allaze to xroma peripou 180 mires kai apo to pou8ena amfanisthke enas lukos arketa megalos kai htan polu hremos, egw omws enio8a anasfalia otan ton evlepa. Meta pige o pateras mou kai ton pire kai ton evale mesa sto spiti mas kai dn ekane tpt htan hremo kai to xahdeuame kai auto ekei tpt dn ekane meta omws egine kati kai auto tromakse kai mpika katw apo to krevati ton goniwn mou kai ekei prospa8ousan na to vgalous eksw kai opws evgene me fwra ermikse panw mou alla egw pallh kala kratousa ena mpastouni sto xeri kai to empidisa na mou epite8u alla eixa thn es8ish pws aplos h8ele na fuge kai oxi na mou kanei kako sthn telika hremise pallh kai egw dn to fobomoun pia kai ka8omoun kai to koitousa kai anhge ligo ta matia tou kai ta 3ana eklhne les kai h8ele na koimh8ei.

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