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Αρχική » Taxonomy » Term » ανάσκελα


Θα περίμενε κανείς ότι το να βρεθείς ανάσκελα στον ύπνο σου θα σήμαινε ίσως κάτι κακό ή και οριστικό όμως δεν ισχύει κάτι τέτοιο.
Αυτό που παίζει ρόλο είναι το μέρος που βρίσκεσαι και όχι το πώς σε αυτήν την περίπτωση.

Relevant entries from the dream dictionary :

  • Dreams in which an ex-lover appears are very common, especially after a recent start of a new relationship or after a breakup, as we are more emotionally vulnerable during this period.

  • A symbolic dream, the plow, is traditionally interwoven with the hard work and the expected returns from it.

    If you saw a plow in you dream, it means unexpected success in your business affairs.

    Seeing people plow means activity and momentum in learning.

  • The sea in dreams has various interpretations, always depending on the feeling that the presence of the sea leaves us with.

    A calm and blue sea signifies an organized and carefree life.

    A murky and wavy sea portends a life filled with adventures, hardships, and misfortunes.

  • The interpretation of death in dreams has various meanings, although generally it is terrifying and ominous for people. It is considered one of the most powerful dream symbols, but many times it expresses the subconscious fears we have about various situations that concern us.

  • Teeth in dream interpretation have a corresponding meaning to the condition they are in.

    If you dream that you have strong teeth, it is a sign of joy, satisfaction, and happiness.

    Teeth in poor condition signify danger and failures.

  • The appearance of a wedding dress or a bridal gown in a dream is generally considered an ill omen, though that depends on several aspects of the particular dream and the person's current psychology.

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