Ο ονειροκρίτης ερμηνεύει τα όνειρα σας


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ώμοι (σώμα)

Στην περίπτωση που δείτε στον ονειρικό σας κόσμο όπως οι ώμοι σας είναι φαρδύτεροι από ότι στην πραγματικότητα, το όνειρο σας αποτελεί ένα σημάδι πως δεν θα το βάλετε με τίποτα κάτω και θα κάνετε ό τι είναι δυνατό για να πραγματοποιήσετε τα όνειρά σας.

Relevant entries from the dream dictionary :

  • A symbolic dream, the plow, is traditionally interwoven with the hard work and the expected returns from it.

    If you saw a plow in you dream, it means unexpected success in your business affairs.

    Seeing people plow means activity and momentum in learning.

  • A pregnant woman in dreams is always a good sign and signifies prosperity and emotional fulfillment. If you see a pregnant woman giving birth in your dream, you will have great success in your professional life. An ambitious plan of yours may come to fruition and give you particular joy.

  • Dreams in which an ex-lover appears are very common, especially after a recent start of a new relationship or after a breakup, as we are more emotionally vulnerable during this period.

  • The inheritance that comes from a person we love, whether it is alive or dead in real life, is a sign of good fortune and luck. If the person you inherited in your dream is live, then the dream means that this person is thinking of you and spiritually is with you.

  • Arguments, quarrels and fights in dreams, are a manifestation of internal stress or issues we are currently dealing with.

    This dream has an inverted interpretation. It signals family relationships and strong friendships in the future.

  • Beer and alcohol in general, as in real life, symbolizes meaningless temporary pleasures.

    So If you see beer in your dream, whether you were drinking it or not, expect that you will experience a period filled with small joys and temporary pleasures.

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