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Αρχική » Taxonomy » Term » ταξιδευτής

ταξίδι (ταξιδέυω)

Ονειροκρίτης ταξίδι (ταξιδέυω)

Αν δείτε σε όνειρο ότι ταξιδεύετε χωρίς να γνωρίζετε τον προορισμό ή ξεκινάτε για μεγάλο ταξίδι, να περιμένετε κατά το άμεσο μέλλον απογοητεύσεις, ταλαιπωρίες και αποτυχίες.

Αν δείτε ότι αποχαιρετάτε κάποιο γνωστό ή φίλο σας που αναχωρεί, θα έχετε οικονομικές ζημιές.

Relevant entries from the dream dictionary :

  • Eyes in dreams have multiple interpretations depending on the colour and the situation.

    If you see beautiful, cheerful and gentle eyes, expect some good news.

    On the contrary, welled up eyes, are a warning for bad news and sorrows.

  • The inheritance that comes from a person we love, whether it is alive or dead in real life, is a sign of good fortune and luck. If the person you inherited in your dream is live, then the dream means that this person is thinking of you and spiritually is with you.

  • The presence of a deceased person in dreams is usually interpreted positively according to the dream interpreter.

  • Babies usually represent our nurturing side.

    The most usual dream interpretation, according to traditional dream textbooks, about holding a baby in your arms is a warning for bad news and sadness to come.

  • Teeth in dream interpretation have a corresponding meaning to the condition they are in.

    If you dream that you have strong teeth, it is a sign of joy, satisfaction, and happiness.

    Teeth in poor condition signify danger and failures.

  • The dog is considered man's best companion.

    In dreams, the presence of a dog has a special interpretation depending on the situation in which the encounter with the dog evolved.

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