Ο ονειροκρίτης ερμηνεύει τα όνειρα σας


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Ονειροκρίτης αποκλήρωση

Πολλές φορές η αποκλήρωση στα όνειρα εκφράζει τους φόβους που έχουμε για το πώς μας βλέπουν οι κοντινοί μας άνθρωποι αλλά και οι γύρω μας. Το όνειρο αυτό λειτουργεί ως υπενθύμιση, για να αρχίσουμε μία εσωτερική αναζήτηση η οποία θα μας οδηγήσει στο να επαναπροσδιορίσουμε το πού στεκόμαστε.

Relevant entries from the dream dictionary :

  • Beer and alcohol in general, as in real life, symbolizes meaningless temporary pleasures.

    So If you see beer in your dream, whether you were drinking it or not, expect that you will experience a period filled with small joys and temporary pleasures.

  • A pregnant woman in dreams is always a good sign and signifies prosperity and emotional fulfillment. If you see a pregnant woman giving birth in your dream, you will have great success in your professional life. An ambitious plan of yours may come to fruition and give you particular joy.

  • The appearance of a wedding dress or a bridal gown in a dream is generally considered an ill omen, though that depends on several aspects of the particular dream and the person's current psychology.

  • The presence of thieves in dreams can be interpreted in many ways, depending on the context of the particular dream.

  • Teeth in dream interpretation have a corresponding meaning to the condition they are in.

    If you dream that you have strong teeth, it is a sign of joy, satisfaction, and happiness.

    Teeth in poor condition signify danger and failures.

  • The sea in dreams has various interpretations, always depending on the feeling that the presence of the sea leaves us with.

    A calm and blue sea signifies an organized and carefree life.

    A murky and wavy sea portends a life filled with adventures, hardships, and misfortunes.

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