Ο ονειροκρίτης ερμηνεύει τα όνειρα σας


Αρχική » Taxonomy » Term » γατάκι


Ονειροκρίτης γατάκια

Όταν μια γυναίκα δει στον ύπνο της όμορφα παχουλά και άσπρα γατάκια, σημαίνει ότι κάποιοι προσπαθούν να τη διαβάλουν με σκοπό να την καταστρέψουν, αλλά η σωστή κρίση της θα τη βοηθήσει να ξεπεράσει αυτές τις επίβουλες ενέργειες.


Ονειροκρίτης γάτα

Η παρουσία της γάτας στα όνειρα είναι ευοίωνη, εκτός από τη μαύρη γάτα, που θεωρείται συμβολικά το άκρον άωτον της γρουσουζιάς.

Αν δείτε γάτα ήρεμη και τρυφερή να περιφέρεται στο σπίτι σας, να προσδοκάτε ανέφελη οικογενειακή ζωή.

Relevant entries from the dream dictionary :

  • The stove or fireplace in dreams is considered parallelism with our erotic feelings.

    A bright burning stove or a cozy fireplace symbolizes the warm and pure love you feel for your companion in life.

  • A symbolic dream, the plow, is traditionally interwoven with the hard work and the expected returns from it.

    If you saw a plow in you dream, it means unexpected success in your business affairs.

    Seeing people plow means activity and momentum in learning.

  • The presence of a deceased person in dreams is usually interpreted positively according to the dream interpreter.

  • The appearance of a wedding dress or a bridal gown in a dream is generally considered an ill omen, though that depends on several aspects of the particular dream and the person's current psychology.

  • The inheritance that comes from a person we love, whether it is alive or dead in real life, is a sign of good fortune and luck. If the person you inherited in your dream is live, then the dream means that this person is thinking of you and spiritually is with you.

  • Eyes in dreams have multiple interpretations depending on the colour and the situation.

    If you see beautiful, cheerful and gentle eyes, expect some good news.

    On the contrary, welled up eyes, are a warning for bad news and sorrows.

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