Ο ονειροκρίτης ερμηνεύει τα όνειρα σας


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Ονειροκρίτης αλεύρι

Το άφθονο σταρένιο αλεύρι στα όνειρα μας, υπαινίσσεται χαρακτήρα υλιστικό και φιλήδονο που κινδυνεύει να χάσει κάθε επαφή με τις ανώτερες σφαίρες της ύπαρξης, στην πυρετώδη προσπάθεια του να συσσωρεύει εφήμερα, υλικά αγαθά.


Ονειροκρίτης λουκουμάδες

Οι λουκουμάδες όπως και τα περισσότερα γλυκά, δεν προμηνύουν ευχάριστες καταστάσεις.

Συγκεκριμένα, εάν δείτε ότι τρώτε λουκουμάδες ή αγοράζετε, πιθανό κάποια άσχημα λόγια εις βάρος σας να σας στενοχωρήσουν ή απλά άσχημες ειδήσεις.

Relevant entries from the dream dictionary :

  • The interpretation of death in dreams has various meanings, although generally it is terrifying and ominous for people. It is considered one of the most powerful dream symbols, but many times it expresses the subconscious fears we have about various situations that concern us.

  • The presence of thieves in dreams can be interpreted in many ways, depending on the context of the particular dream.

  • A pregnant woman in dreams is always a good sign and signifies prosperity and emotional fulfillment. If you see a pregnant woman giving birth in your dream, you will have great success in your professional life. An ambitious plan of yours may come to fruition and give you particular joy.

  • The sea in dreams has various interpretations, always depending on the feeling that the presence of the sea leaves us with.

    A calm and blue sea signifies an organized and carefree life.

    A murky and wavy sea portends a life filled with adventures, hardships, and misfortunes.

  • The path, while in a dream, symbolizes the choices we have or will make in our lives.

    So if you see that the path you are walking is dark, narrow, inaccessible and full of bad emotions, then some of your choices will lead you to dangerous situations.

  • Dreams in which an ex-lover appears are very common, especially after a recent start of a new relationship or after a breakup, as we are more emotionally vulnerable during this period.

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