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Αρχική » Taxonomy » Term » φραγκόσυκα

σύκα - συκιά

Ονειροκρίτης σύκα - συκιά

Αν δείτε στο όνειρο σας ότι τρώτε ώριμα και γευστικά σύκα, να περιμένετε επιτυχίες σε όλους τους τομείς.

Αν τα σύκα είναι αγίνωτα ή χαλασμένα, κάποια συμφορά θα πλήξει την οικογένεια σας.

Συκιά γεμάτη καρπούς, προοιωνίζει θριάμβους ενώ συκιά ξερή και γυμνή, οικτρές αποτυχίες.

Relevant entries from the dream dictionary :

  • The appearance of a wedding dress or a bridal gown in a dream is generally considered an ill omen, though that depends on several aspects of the particular dream and the person's current psychology.

  • The interpretation of death in dreams has various meanings, although generally it is terrifying and ominous for people. It is considered one of the most powerful dream symbols, but many times it expresses the subconscious fears we have about various situations that concern us.

  • Arguments, quarrels and fights in dreams, are a manifestation of internal stress or issues we are currently dealing with.

    This dream has an inverted interpretation. It signals family relationships and strong friendships in the future.

  • A pregnant woman in dreams is always a good sign and signifies prosperity and emotional fulfillment. If you see a pregnant woman giving birth in your dream, you will have great success in your professional life. An ambitious plan of yours may come to fruition and give you particular joy.

  • Adultery in dreams does not foretell pleasurable situations anytime soon.

  • Babies usually represent our nurturing side.

    The most usual dream interpretation, according to traditional dream textbooks, about holding a baby in your arms is a warning for bad news and sadness to come.

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