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Αρχική » Taxonomy » Term » θώρακας


Αν δεν είστε άτομο δεδηλωμένα φαντασιόπληκτο ή δον κιχωτικό και δείτε στον ύπνο σας ότι επισκέπτεστε μια αίθουσα που έχει πανοπλίες ή ότι βρίσκεστε σε ένα χώρο με αρματωμένους ιππότες, να περιμένετε μια δυσάρεστη στροφή στη συμπεριφορά των άλλων απέναντι σας που θα οφείλεται στις παραλείψεις και

Relevant entries from the dream dictionary :

  • The presence of thieves in dreams can be interpreted in many ways, depending on the context of the particular dream.

  • Dreams in which an ex-lover appears are very common, especially after a recent start of a new relationship or after a breakup, as we are more emotionally vulnerable during this period.

  • The sea in dreams has various interpretations, always depending on the feeling that the presence of the sea leaves us with.

    A calm and blue sea signifies an organized and carefree life.

    A murky and wavy sea portends a life filled with adventures, hardships, and misfortunes.

  • The presence of a deceased person in dreams is usually interpreted positively according to the dream interpreter.

  • Eyes in dreams have multiple interpretations depending on the colour and the situation.

    If you see beautiful, cheerful and gentle eyes, expect some good news.

    On the contrary, welled up eyes, are a warning for bad news and sorrows.

  • The dog is considered man's best companion.

    In dreams, the presence of a dog has a special interpretation depending on the situation in which the encounter with the dog evolved.

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