Meaning of baby in dreams

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Baby sleeping

Babies usually represent our nurturing side.

The most usual dream interpretation, according to traditional dream textbooks, about holding a baby in your arms is a warning for bad news and sadness to come.

A modern interpretation approaches the dream with baby-infant differently and weighs many factors about whether the appearance of the baby in dreams is good or bad.

If, for example, the baby is healthy and you feel beautiful or if there is discomfort, similar situations will occur in the future in your life.

If you see that you are breastfeeding a baby, you will receive financial gain.

If you are single means good progress in an emotional bond and possible marriage.

If you have a wanted desire of a baby, you would probably end up having dreams of this nature. If you are not pregnant, then it’s possible that a baby dream suggests that you are off to a “new start” or a “new beginning” in life.

It is very reasonable and a common occurrence for women who are months pregnant to see baby dreams as a manifestation of the anxiety for the baby to be.

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